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Quote 10

Our fruitfulness is as demanded and not as convenient. No more excuses.

How to Have Good Success

Written by Babafemi Arogundade


Kindle | Paperback

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Nothing else you have done will make a difference if you do not WORK it out. 100 years of prayer and planning without work will not change anything or give you good success.

Femi Dade


Knowing your God-given place, calling or assignment in life is the only thing that will keep you focused.

Femi Dade


You can do all but cannot be a master of all. Know your place. Only God is All in All

Femi Dade


Power and authority are not the same. You have the power but have not been authorized to do all.

Femi Dade


Yes! As a child of God, you have the power, potential or ability to do all things through Christ Jesus, but you were not instructed to do all things.

Femi Dade


Without training, you may be found operating at such a lower level of proficiency that if a man who died hundreds of years ago rises up now may term your use “archaic”!

Femi Dade


As a child of God, make sure your goal is big…actually bigger than what you can possibly accomplish because as far “as you can see” …and beyond that is what God will give to you.

Femi Dade


People claim to be so “busy” that they run off in the morning, take the day as it goes…living in the defensive rather than being offensive.

Femi Dade


Being rich is good. Making great sales, having a large congregation, and getting to the top of your career are all good but achieving any of these in a sinful way makes it a bad success!

Femi Dade

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