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Quote 3

Remember, you are not alone, forgotten, or defeated. You are more than a conqueror through Him who loves you. Don’t give up!

How to Have Good Success

Written by Babafemi Arogundade


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Until you learn what others do not know, and what you now know makes you do what no one has never done, pace setting and trailblazing is not achievable!

Babafemi Arogundade


People understand your message better when it is acted than when it is spoken.

Babafemi Arogundade


One of the best ways to leave a legacy is to live your purpose here on earth. To live a life worth emulating is the best gift you can give generations present and those coming after you.

Babafemi Arogundade


God thinks in generations. God blesses a man for the generations present and that to come to partake of it.

Babafemi Arogundade


You would remain the same or worse years after years except for: Your attitude and disposition to people, life and situations generally.

Babafemi Arogundade


You would remain the same or worse years after years except for: The knowledge and wisdom you acquire.

Babafemi Arogundade


You would remain the same or worse years after years except for: The people you meet and how you relate with them

Babafemi Arogundade


You would remain the same or worse years after years except for: The prayers you pray and how effective and fervent they are.

Babafemi Arogundade


Many a great man has been brought down the ladder of success for lack of the attitude to sustain the altitude they have reached. That should not happen to you.

Babafemi Arogundade

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