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About Us

What do we stand for?

Babafemi Arogundade - Photo


The mandate of The Good Success is to publish (proclaim, announce, spread abroad, advertise) the word of God and do so with a great company (fellowship, companionship, multitude) of people and interests.

This comes from the word of God in Psams 68:11.

“The lord gave the word: great was the company of those that published it” KJV


Femi DADE is the pen of ready writer with a mandate to scribble down inspirations from heaven.

Here, through the help of the Holy Spirit, Femi Dade shows us Scriptural paths to Good Success, and he is creatively doing that through his many-sided natural and Spiritual gifts.

He is a Teacher of God’s Word in his local church and also an Entrepreneur. He is also well known for his creative artworks.


As a privileged teacher of the Word of God he has taught at different levels. He has a very promising future that is pregnant for the delivery of a great destiny!


To become the foremost media and publishing company to reckon with in creativity, content development, packaging and presentation.

To publish the Word accurately, creatively and attractively.


Life is a collection of inspired writings as received by the author at sundry times, seasons, circumstances, and places – while praying, meditating, studying scriptures and other books.

Like songs, they speak about love and other emotions. Like the “Psalms”, they express the greatness of God and thoughts of men. Yet like “Proverbs”/”Ecclesiastes”, they give instructions for wisdom, success and prosperity in life and godliness.

In short—-the poems are for life and godliness…hence the name “LIFE”!

Written by Femi Dade

Book Quotes


He will make a way where there seems to be no way. He will also turn your situation around for your good and His glory.

Femi Dade


Remember, you are not alone, forgotten, or defeated. You are more than a conqueror through Him who loves you. Don’t give up!

Femi Dade


You can overcome life’s challenges with the power of God on your life

Femi Dade


Just a little more hope. Just a little more faith. Just a little more perseverance gets the job done!

Femi Dade



The mandate of WordForth Company is to publish (proclaim, announce, spread abroad, advertise) the word of God and do so with a great company (fellowship, companionship, multitude) of people and interests. This comes from the word of God in Psams 68:11. “The lord gave the word: great was the company of those that published it” KJV

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