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There is a longing on the inside
A cry in the heart of man
It’s a yearn for a companion

Though one is wonderful
Two is plus-wonderful
But three is two-plus-wonderful

A man who is alone needs a help
A lonely woman needs someone to help
But the man and woman together need God’s help

With God their labour will yield favour
Plus Long life and honour
Also, great glory will be their crown

There is a destiny in man
There is a purpose every marriage should fulfill
Yes, by God’s grace it can

But there is a season to everything
A time for every purpose
For God has made everything beautiful in its time

So don’t stir or awaken love until you’re ready
For shortcut in sin
Cuts one from destiny

Wait till you’re ready
Prepare yourself
Guard your loins
Guard your heart
Bridle your tongue
And your life will be long

Choose your friends wisely
Else you end up miserly against your great destiny

Marriage undefiled is honourable
With God’s help, it’s possible

Marriage is an institution
It requires preparation
Because every day will be an examination

But success is sure
If in Christ we remain pure
Till home, our Saviour calls

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Femi Dade


Remember, you are not alone, forgotten, or defeated. You are more than a conqueror through Him who loves you. Don’t give up!

Femi Dade


You can overcome life’s challenges with the power of God on your life

Femi Dade


Just a little more hope. Just a little more faith. Just a little more perseverance gets the job done!

Femi Dade



The mandate of WordForth Company is to publish (proclaim, announce, spread abroad, advertise) the word of God and do so with a great company (fellowship, companionship, multitude) of people and interests. This comes from the word of God in Psams 68:11. “The lord gave the word: great was the company of those that published it” KJV

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